Refund and Returns Policy

At ClickVisibility, we prioritize client satisfaction and aim to deliver effective and measurable SEO services that help your business grow. However, we understand that in some cases, a refund or modification to services may be necessary. This Refund and Returns Policy outlines our terms and conditions for handling refund requests.

1. Service-based Policy

Since ClickVisibility exclusively provides digital SEO services rather than physical products, our refund policy is structured around the specific deliverables and timelines agreed upon in the service contract.

2. Refund Eligibility

We are committed to delivering results. If, after a reasonable time period and agreed efforts, we fail to meet the targets or KPIs stated in the initial agreement, clients may be eligible for a refund. However, certain conditions apply:

  • No Result-Based Refunds: Refunds will not be provided for perceived lack of results if efforts and services have been duly delivered. SEO is a long-term strategy, and outcomes depend on various factors, including competition and industry fluctuations.
  • Upfront Fee Structure: If you have opted for a package or monthly service, you will be eligible for a refund of any unused portions of the service as per our cancellation terms (see Cancellation Policy below).
  • Service Deliverables: If specific deliverables, as outlined in the service contract, are not provided on time, a partial or full refund may be granted.

3. Non-Refundable Services

  • One-Time Services: Fees for one-time services (such as SEO audits, consultations, and site assessments) are non-refundable once the service has been delivered.
  • Completed Work: Any service work that has been completed up to the point of a refund request is non-refundable.
  • Subscription-Based Services: Refunds are not applicable to past monthly SEO services or if the SEO campaign has been running as agreed but the user perceives a lack of immediate results.

4. Refund Process

  • Request Submission: If you believe you are eligible for a refund, submit a written request to [contact email] within 30 days of the service completion or the period outlined in your contract.
  • Review Period: We will review your refund request within 14 days. During this time, we may ask for additional information to verify the circumstances of the refund claim.
  • Resolution: Once the review is completed, we will notify you of the refund approval or rejection. If approved, the refund will be processed and credited to your original method of payment within 7–10 business days.

5. Cancellation Policy

  • Notice Requirement: To cancel a monthly or ongoing SEO service package, a 30-day written notice is required. Services rendered during this period will be charged, and any remaining amounts will be refunded for the unused portion of the services.
  • Impact on Ongoing Campaigns: Please be aware that cancellations of ongoing services may affect the continuity of your SEO strategy, which can lead to potential drops in rankings or traffic.

6. Amendments and Revisions

  • We strive for transparency and fairness, but we reserve the right to amend or revise our refund and cancellation policy at any time. All changes will be communicated to clients in advance and reflected on our website.

7. Contact Us

If you have any questions or require clarification on our Refund and Returns Policy, please contact us at or via our contact form. We are committed to resolving any issues swiftly and professionally.